Cloud Engineer
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Cloud Engineer
Cloud Engineer responsibilities include deploying product updates, identifying production issues, and implementing integrations that meet customer needs. If you have a solid background in software engineering and are familiar with Javascript or Python, It will be add-on.
Job description and responsibilities
- Implement integrations requested by customers
- Deploy updates and fixes
- Provide Level 2 technical support
- Build tools to reduce the occurrences of errors and improve customer experience
- Develop software to integrate with internal back-end systems
- Perform root cause analysis for production errors
- Investigate and resolve technical issues
- Develop scripts to automate visualization
- Design procedures for system troubleshooting and maintenance
What we offer to you ?
- $ 2500 Salary/month
- Computer
- $ 300 Transportation fee
- Travelling at end of the yea
- Good Knowledge of Azure Portal
- Good Knowledge of GIT, SVN
- Good Knowledge of Server Management
- Good Knowledge of Docker/Kubernetes and Shell Script/Powershell
- Work experience as a DevOps Engineer or similar software engineering role
- Working knowledge of Programming language
- Working knowledge of databases and SQL
- Problem-solving attitude
- Team Spirit
Intristing to join our squad ?
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